
Friday Apr 28, 2023
S6.E11: BTS With My Book, Holistisk Livsstil
Friday Apr 28, 2023
Friday Apr 28, 2023

Thursday Mar 09, 2023
S6.E10: Simple Living
Thursday Mar 09, 2023
Thursday Mar 09, 2023
This week, Jessica dives into the topic of the art of living simply, using the yoga philosophies of aparigrapha (non-attachement/non-grasping) and santosha (contentment). How can we take less than we need, and simplify or edit our lives so that we feel more peaceful, happy, and grounded?

Thursday Mar 02, 2023
S6.E9: Did Social Media Ruin Yoga?
Thursday Mar 02, 2023
Thursday Mar 02, 2023
This week, Jessica explores the topic of social media and social media influencers, and how the yoga industry has changed because of them. She discusses the pros and cons of social media in relation to yoga, and why she thinks yoga students need to be mindful of how and why they consume social media. The "highlight reel" of yoga influencers is usually curated and highly edited, portraying a lifestyle that isn’t always rooted in reality.

Thursday Feb 23, 2023
S6.E8: The Quest for Joy and Everyday Magic
Thursday Feb 23, 2023
Thursday Feb 23, 2023
This week, Jessica shares why she changed her intention/word for 2023 from Ease to Joy, and how she is actively seeking more joy in her life. So much of our life is focused on the future, and striving to achieve accomplishments, that we often miss the magic that is right in front of us. Tune it to get inspired to find more joy, play, laughter, and fun in your own life! This episode is a reminder to check in with yourself, and come back to the parts of yourself you love and what lights you up.

Thursday Feb 16, 2023
S6.E7: Ayurveda, Emotional Wellbeing + Female Health with Cecilie Vehre
Thursday Feb 16, 2023
Thursday Feb 16, 2023
This week, Jessica is joined by Ayurvedic Counselor Cecilie Vehre, and the women discuss what Ayurveda is (the sister science of yoga), and how a holistic approach to our health and wellness is beneficial for us all. The women also dive into the importance of emotional intelligence, and the role this plays in our overall health. They also discuss women’s health issues (birth, menstruation, birth control) and how we can view this through the lens of Ayurveda.

Thursday Feb 09, 2023
S6.E6: Motherhood + Entrepreneurship
Thursday Feb 09, 2023
Thursday Feb 09, 2023
Join Jessica as she shares her experiences navigating the delicate balance between motherhood and entrepreneurship, and offers insights into how to shift your perceptions of being a working mom.

Thursday Feb 02, 2023
S6.E5: How to Get a Job As a Yoga Teacher
Thursday Feb 02, 2023
Thursday Feb 02, 2023
Are you a recently graduated yoga teacher, or in yoga teacher training? Then this is the episode for you! Jessica shares about how to get a yoga job, where you can teach, and how to stay connected to the yoga community as a student. This episode also has lots of golden nuggets about money, marketing, and transitioning into teaching yoga full time.

Thursday Jan 26, 2023
S6.E4: What is Karma, Really?
Thursday Jan 26, 2023
Thursday Jan 26, 2023
This week, Jessica takes a look at a concept that is often mis-understood and mis-used, karma. What is karma, and how does it work? Jessica explains karma from a yoga philosophy point of view, and also why it is important to understand this concept in your life, without spiritually bypassing.

Thursday Jan 19, 2023
S6.E3: What is a Yoga Mentor, and Do I Need One?
Thursday Jan 19, 2023
Thursday Jan 19, 2023
Jessica breaks down what a yoga mentor is, what they do, and why all teachers need one. Learn about Jessica’s insights on what makes a good mentor, and how to find one. Did you know that Jessica also works as a yoga mentor directly 1-to-1 with yoga teachers who want to up level their teaching skills and yoga business? Check it out at www.jessicawinderl.com and www.atmanyogaschool.com

Thursday Jan 12, 2023
S6.E2: What Sleep Deprivation Does to Us with Dr. Laura Bojrskaitė
Thursday Jan 12, 2023
Thursday Jan 12, 2023
On this week’s episode, Jessica is joined by friend and neuroscientist Dr. Laura Bojarskaitė to discuss what sleep deprivation is, and how it affects our wellbeing. As a new-ish mother, Jessica is curious about the long-term effects of sleep deprivation, and what we can do to minimize the damage and find new, healthier ways to sleep.